Indian Election – Profiling Voters.

Okay, this is a weird but unsurprising experience during this election season.  On my day casting my vote, I approached a GOP booth outside my polling station and asked them to cut me a slip. Without hesitation, the lady stationed there told me that I was at the wrong place and should've been somewhere else. … Continue reading Indian Election – Profiling Voters.

Inflated animal skin and other musical instruments

Did it ever happen that you stumble upon something flabergasting for a minute and add no value, then dig deep, and a wormhole opens up, and WOW, you are Alice, and you are in a wonderland? For instance. This. Today, I started with an inflated Buffalo akin raft, which apparently was used as a safety … Continue reading Inflated animal skin and other musical instruments

Atacama, fast fashion and Garbage dump

What is the first thing that comes to mind when you hear Atacama? Personally, for me, a data analytics tool helps companies to manage and analyse a large data set. That is because I work in close proximity with those who would like to draw meaningful insights into their ocean of data. I would understand … Continue reading Atacama, fast fashion and Garbage dump